Ep. 75: Washington’s 8th CD’s Candidates Offer “Closing Remarks”; Indivisibles Unite Against Nunes in Spokane

With the August 7th primary almost upon us, we check back in one last time with the three Democratic candidates running for Congress in the 8th district, Kim Schrier, Shannon Hader, and Jason Rittereiser, for some closing remarks about their experiences campaigning over the last year, how they’ve each evolved, and what they each hope to bring to the constituents of the 8th district.

Then, following Monday’s protest against Republican Devin Nunes’s visit to Spokane for a Cathy McMorris Rodgers fundraiser, we talk to the leaders from Indivisible Spokane and Central Valley Indivisible (in Nunes’s home district) about the creative ways they collaborated to make Nunes feel particularly unwelcome here in Washington.

Kim Schrier: www.drkimschrier.com/
Shannon Hader: drshannonforcongress.com/
Jason Rittereiser: www.jasonrittereiser.com/

Lisa Brown’s website: lisabrownforcongress.com/
Lisa Brown’s WSIP interview: Wsip – Ep-42-suzi-eric-levine-on-eric-holders-gerrymandering-project-dem-5th-cd-candidate-lisa-brown

Andrew Janz’s website: www.andrewjanzforcongress.com
Andrew Janz WSIP interview: Wsip – 50-andrew-janzs-run-to-unseat-devin-nunes-uws-kathryn-watts-on-the-limits-of-presidential-power