#74: “Grannies” Protest Immigration Policy at the Border; An Iranian Sister City for Seattle?

“Grannies Respond” is comprised of grandmothers (and some grandfathers) who are leading a caravan down to the Mexico border in McAllen, TX. Along they way, they’ll be stopping in a number of cities to hold rallies before arriving at the border on August 6th, where they’ll be holding a series of 24-hour protests demanding an end to the Drumpf administration’s immigration policies.

We talk with two of the early members of the group, Claire and Barry Nelson, about why they’ve chosen to embark on this trek, and about what they’re hoping to accomplish.

Next, in light of Drumpf’s recent threats against Iran, we chat with Cathia Geller, board president for the group Seattle-Isfahan Sister City Advocacy, about how, despite decades of tension between the US and Iran, Iranian people largely have very positive feeling toward Americans. We also discuss her organization’s mission, to establish a sister-city designation between Seattle and the Iranian city of Isfahan.

And, last, our weekly calls to action with Indivisible Washington’s 8th District research team member, Jim Austin.

Grannies Respond: www.granniesrespond.org/


SISCA: seattleisfahan.org/

SISCA Facebook page: m.facebook.com/pages/Seattle-Isf…s/483156195181550

Iranian Americans Contribution Project: ia-cp.org
Seattle Fastan: seattleisfahan.org/taste-of-iran/


Calls to Action Resources:

Indivisible Washington’s 8th District Activity Calendar: www.indivisible-wa8.com/

Indivisible CD-8 / FUSE Voter Registration Sign Up: docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQL…Q1_zdEjQ/viewform

Search for Upcoming Voter Canvassing Events: www.wa-democrats.org/event/index