We begin our first show of the year by talking about Trump’s dramatic series of escalations with Iran. Chris Franco is a former Ranger-qualified infantry commander who served a tour of duty in Afghanistan. Currently, he’s the Director of Veterans and Military affairs with the Truman National Security Project and an active member of Indivisible. He joins us to offer his insight on where things may go from here, and about what we can do as activists to push back.
Then, we are joined by our friend, 41st LD Senator Lisa Wellman, to review some of the victories for Democrats in 2019, and to forecast what may lie ahead in the upcoming 2020 legislative session.
And we end with a call to action for these very challenging times.
Indivisible’s Call to Action to Rein in Trump’s March to War: indivisible.org/demand-your-senat…-trumps-march-war
Join an Anti-War Protest: www.nowarwithiran.org/
Indivisible’s Call to Demand Our Senators Support a Fair Impeachment Trial: indivisible.org/demand-your-senat…impeachment-trial
Sign Up to Call Constituents in 13 States with Vulnerable Senators: act.indivisible.org/signup/impeachm…nt-senate-calls
Theme music from filmmusic.io
“Pure Joy” by Otis Galloway
License: CC BY (creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/)