Fixing Washington’s Regressive Tax System with Rep. Noel Frame (LD 36)

Today’s pod is all about how progressive taxation can fix the most upside-down tax structure in America. Washington State’s tax system is broken, and Rep. Noel Frame has devoted much of her time in the state legislature to fixing it.

In her capacity as the newly appointed chair of the House Finance Committee, she joins us to talk about the history of our tax system, and about a number of legislative cures, including a brand new wealth tax, aimed at making our state’s 100 billionaires pay their fair share.

Show notes:

HB 1406 Wealth Tax:…e=false&Year=2021

HB 1406 text:…0210127165225

HB 1297 Working Family Tax Credit:…e=false&Year=2021

HB 1336 Broadband bill…&Initiative=false

Rep. Frame’s Tax Structure Working Group:

Watch all live testimony here:

If you’d like to participate in the hearing on Tuesday, February 2nd at 1:30pm:

• Go to:
• Choose “Finance” as the committee
• Choose Feb. 2 1:30pm as the meeting slot
• Select which bill to support (Rep. Frame recommends selecting both the wealth tax, HB 1406, AND the Working Families Tax Credit, HB 1297)
• Choose one of the following:
– I would like to submit written testimony (deadline: 24 hours after start of hearing)
– I would like to testify live during the hearing (deadline: 1 hour prior to start of hearing)
– I would like my position noted for the legislative record (deadline: 1 hour prior to start of hearing)

If you’d like to testify, please coordinate with Emily Parzybok with Balance Our Tax Code at

Per Rep. Frame: “Live testimony is time limited and we need to ensure advocates are coordinated. Once they coordinate and decide they’ll indeed testify, they can sign up at that link up to 1 hour prior to the hearing.”