Ep. 115: Peter Daou on Fighting the “Digital Civil War”; WA’s Poet Laureate, Claudia Castro Luna

In a recent interview, veteran journalist Carl Bernstein said that the political sides in this country are moving toward a kind of cold. civil war. But this week’s first guest, veteran blogger and political operative Peter Daou, says that we’re already in a civil war, and it’s not cold. He cites the killing of Heather Heyer in Charlottesville, the violence of white nationalist groups, the Trump supporter who mailed explosive devices to prominent Democrats and CNN, and the Pittsburgh synagogue shooting as examples. One of the key fronts in this war is social media, which is the subject of Daou’s new book, “Digital Civil War: Confronting the Far Right Menace.”

We’re joined next by Washington State Poet Laureate Claudia Castro Luna. She’s recently been named an Academy of American Poets Laureate Fellow, an honor that confers a $100,000 grant, money she’s using to fund a new project called One River, A Thousand Names, which will convene a series of workshops and readings along the Columbia River.

We also have our weekly calls to action with research team leader Stephen Wilhelm.

“Digital Civil War”: www.amazon.com/dp/1612197876/?tag=newbooinhis-20

Peter Daou’s website (scroll to the bottom for music tracks): https://peterdaou.com/

Claudia Castro Luna’s Washington Poetic Routes: washingtonpoeticroutes.com/