Ep. 113: Congressman Adam Smith on Preventing War with Iran; NARAL’s Seattle Rally

This week, preventing war with Iran with 9th CD Congressman Adam Smith. He is the chair of the Armed Services Committee, and we talk about the potential fallout and ramifications of an armed escalation with a country like Iran, we get his take on why the Trump administration seems to be pushing our country in that direction, and what he and other Democrats are working to do to stop them.

Also, our coverage of the NARAL Pro-Choice Washington rally at Seattle’s city hall on Tuesday, which was in response to the now eight states that have passed laws that are increasingly restricting women’s reproductive rights. We speak with attorney general Bob Ferguson, State Senator Manka Dhingra, and others about what’s at stake and about what we can be doing here in Washington to fight back.

We also have our weekly calls to action with research team leader Stephen Wilhelm.

NARAL Pro-Choice Washington: prochoicewashington.org/
Northwest Abortion Access Fund: nwaafund.org/
Planned Parenthood Votes Northwest and Hawaii: www.plannedparenthoodaction.org/planned-p…nd-hawaii

“The Detention Lottery”: www.facebook.com/GlobalLawAdvocat…2127557144026797